The practice and practitioners of Relational Presence, the essence of Speaking Circles®

Relational Presence
creates powerful authentic communication, in contrast to the disconnected experience of talking “at” your listeners. It is the foundation of the Speaking Circles® method of relating with others and is the heart of numerous other communication trainings offered by our Facilitators. Practicing Relational Presence will help you:

  • Grow an authentic, compelling speaking presence without performance technique
  • Access your natural magnetism to deepen the quality of your business presentations and relationships
  • Invite your listeners into a “field of belonging,” allowing them to feel seen and heard
  • Bring out the best in others by seeing the best in them

Relational Presence means being available for connection through a neutral gaze without agenda, or even a need for words. It is the pre-condition for masterful communication—simply being with others without judgment, demands or expectations. It is the capacity of being comfortable in any situation, able to respond in the moment—even if you lose your train of thought, forget a word, or are distracted by external circumstances. You learn to trust yourself to be present and to access whatever you need.

Communication occurs more authentically, organically from within. You move through performance anxiety into the pleasure of being seen and heard. The emphasis on being with one person at a time, allowing natural silence, and listening without judgment  relieves the pressure to perform.

Find a Relational Presence Facilitator

Relational Presence facilitators provide customized workshops, trainings and coaching sessions for individuals and teams. Experience the foundation of Relational Presence to access power, presence and influence.

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The Founder:
Lee Glickstein

Lee Glickstein is the authority on authentic presence in public speaking. Paralyzing stage fright led him to a deep understanding of the principles of natural communication through Relational Presence, a term he coined for his method for transforming performance anxiety.

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Note: Dr. Samuel Mahaffy independently coined Relational Presence as applied to decision making.

Find a Speaking Circle® Facilitator

At a Speaking Circle you are provided all the support you need to express yourself in your own time and in your own unique way. Learn how to move through stage fright by sharing who you really are rather than trying to mask it. Deepen the connection to yourself and others, professionally and personally, allowing for greater ease and understanding in your relationships.

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